Published 2 June 2021

Registry data in research

The National Quality Registries in Sweden are a unique base for quality development and research in healthcare.

The National Quality Registries have been built up by dedicated healthcare professionals with the aim of monitoring the outcome of the healthcare given to patients. The objective has been to generate valuable knowledge in order to improve healthcare.

The registries contain data on the individual level regarding key background factors, diagnoses, treatment, and the outcome of healthcare for each patient.

The emphasis of different registries may vary. Some focus on patients with a specific illness, others on a specific treatment or a risk group. The quality registries are therefore quite different, with different levels of coverage and data quality, which is important to keep in mind.

The registries and steering committee members for a registry are responsible for development and operation, and have the greatest knowledge about the registry and how it can be used.


  • Ulrika Forsberg

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