Published 11 May 2021

Ulcer treatment

National Quality Registry for Ulcer Treatment (RiksSår)

Registry category: Cardiovascular diseases

Certification level: 3

Central personal data controller (CPUA): Region Jönköping

Hard-to-heal ulcers include leg and pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, tumours, rheumatic ulcers and traumatic ulcers including damages during care or due to complications after surgical procedures. One percent of the population is affected at some point in their lives by some type of hard-to-heal ulcer and advanced age is the main risk factor. The majority of the patients have reduced quality of life with pain, sleep disorders and anxiety.

In Blekinge county (150,000 residents), RiksSår has contributed to a reduced prevalence, shorter treatment times, and a significant cost reduction for healthcare in the amount of SEK 7 million, which would correspond to 450 million if projected to nationwide figures.

Clinical patient-orientated research with data from RiksSår has shown a reduction in

  • healing time from 145 days to 53 days (2009-2015)
  • antibiotic treatment from 69% to 26% (2009-2015)
  • per-patient treatment costs by 46% (2009-2012)

The aims of RiksSår are to:

  • ensure that patients with a hard-to-heal ulcer get structured wound management with adequate diagnosis, optimal treatment and continuity of care until ulcer healing
  • promote interdisciplinary work
  • demonstrate healing time in clinical practice in relation to diagnosis and treatment
  • identify risk factors for failed or delayed wound healing
  • contribute to local and national quality development
  • contribute to rational antibiotic treatment
  • demonstrate the significance of lifestyle factors in wound healing
  • contribute to increased cost efficiency
  • generate new knowledge
  • contribute to structured documentation
  • provide data for national quality indicators for active wound healing
  • conduct clinical patient-oriented research

Contact information

Find contact information on the registry’s website.



  • Ulrika Forsberg